Frequently Asked Questions
This page will help answer frequently asked questions.
Q: I have forgotten my password. How can I get my password e-mailed it to me? A: Click on Email Password. Enter your Callsign and click "Submit".
Q: How can find out another users Email address so that we can play. A: Click on Subscriber Search. Enter their Callsign and click "Submit".
Q: How can I change my Email address? A: Click on Change Account Info.. Enter your Callsign and your Password, then click "Submit". Change your Email address and then click "Submit".
Q: How can I change my password? A: Click on Change Account Info.. Enter your Callsign and your Password, then click "Submit". Enter your password in both the "Password" and "Confirm Password" boxes and then click "Submit".
Q: How can I find out when my account expires? A: Click on Change Account Info.. Enter your Callsign and your Password, then click "Submit".
Q: How can I renew my subscription? A: Click on Change Account Info.. Enter your Callsign and your Password, then click "Submit". Select how you want to pay in the "Renew Subscription" drop down then click "Renew".
Q: I don't know how to use the SFB Online client. Is there anybody who can help me? A: Yes. Just click on Teachers and it will list multiple people who are available.
Q: Are there any tutorials on how to use the SFB Online Client? A: Click on Tutorials..
Q: Where is your Privacy Policy? A: Click on Privacy Policy..